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Department of FINE ARTS
1948 as Institute of Fine Arts, without sections and with a staff of 4 academicians
without payment: Ivan Lazarov, Stephan Ivanov, Nickolai Rainov and Alexander
Boshzinov. First director: acad. Ivan Lazarov (1949/52). First salaried employee:
Assen Vassiliev (since 1950, chairman of department “Theory and History of
Bulgarian art”, 1954/59).
The first 50 years: The basement of Bulgarian Fine Arts History &
Arts Theory was been got off. There were working here the most eminent Bulgarian
scholars: Nickola Mavrodinov, Milko Bitchev, Vasil Zahariev, Mara Tsoncheva,
Dimitar Drumev, Dimitar Stankov, Irina Mihalcheva, Tatjana Siljanovska, Alexander
Obretenov, Atanas Stoikov, Liljana Mavrodinova, Vera Dinova-Russeva, Atanas
Boschkov, Dimitar Avramov, Atanas Slavov, Dora Panaiotova, Nickolai Trufeshev,
Valentin Angelov, Anna Roshkovska, Kostadinka Paskaleva, Elena Kotseva, Velina
Bratanova, Violeta Janeva, Pavlina Galabova, Maximilian Kirov, Aksinia Djurova,
Kipra Boracheva, Tchavdar Popov, Tatjana Dimitrova, Elizabet Musakova.
Staff at present 22 scholars + 4 doctorants, preparing Ph.D. thesis.
Object: Fine arts in Bulgarian lands dated from a period of »3000
years - from the appearance of the early culture in Thrakia up to contemporary
modern art in Bulgaria.
General purpose: Prepare complete documentation of the objects & monuments
of art in Bulgaria, their attribution, study and theoretical interpretation.
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Ancient & Medieval Art Section
Chair: Oksana Minaeva (b. 1957), Assoc. Prof., PhD, lectures in NBU, Crakow, Princeton, member of ICOMOS (UNESCO). Fields of scientific research - art of the First Bulgarian Kindom, culture of the barbaric societies.
Bisserka Penkova (b. 1955), Assoc. Prof., PhD, chief of the Ancient & Medieval Art Section, member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies), lecturer in Academy of Fine Arts, NBU. Fields of scientific research - medieval and postbyzantine (15-17 c.) church painting (murals and icons).
Ivan Marazov (b. 1942), Professor, Dr., director of the Cultural History Department in New Bulgarian University (NBU), lecturer in Slavonic University, lectures in many European and American universities and museums, member of the editorial board of Talanta Revieu; member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies), member of International Council for Thrakian & Indoeuropean Studies, member of The Medichi Academy - Florence. Fields of scientific research - Thrakian culture and arts, culture of the Ancient civilizations.
Tatjana Shalganova (b. 1956), Assoc. Prof., PhD, lecturer in NBU. Fields of scientific research - art and culture of the Late Antiquity.
Julia Vuleva (b. 1952), Assoc. Prof., PhD, lecturer in NBU, Slavonic University, University "St. Kliment Ochridski"; lectures in France, Japan, USA; membership in many international academic organizations, member of the Board of AIRMA. Fields of scientific research - Late-Antique and Early Christian art in Bulgarian lands and in Europe.
Vanja Popova-Moros (b. 1945), Assoc. Prof., PhD, lecturer in NBU. Fields of scientific research - Late-Antique art in Bulgarian lands.
Elka Bakalova (b. 1938), Prof. Dr., chief editor of THE ART STUDIES QUARTERLY, lecturer in Academy of Fine Arts, NBU, Slavonic University - Sofia, Turnovo University; member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies), member of the Committee for Byzantine Art in the International Byzantological Association. Fields of scientific research - medieval and postbyzantine (15-17 c.) church painting (bonds of the images with the texts).
Georgi Gerov (b. 1956), Assoc. Prof., PhD, Director of the Icons Museum (Kripta) - Sofia, lecturer in Academy of Fine Arts, NBU, University in Varna; member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Crithic & Art Studies), member of the Committee for Byzantine Art in the International Byzantological Association. Fields of scientific research - medieval and postbyzantine (15-17 c.) church painting (murals and icons).
Juliana Boitcheva (b. 1969), Research Fellow, lecturer in NBU,
Technical University. Fields of scientific research - medieval and postbyzantine
(15-17 c.) applied arts (church embroderies).
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Chair: Ivanka Gergova (b. 1955), Assoc. Prof., PhD, Academic Secretary of the Institute of Art Studies, lecturer in Academy of Fine Arts, NBU; member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies), member of Council for the Cultural Monuments in Ministry of the Culture; autor of the project & manager of the International Conferences for Art Studies (Plovdiv '94, '96, '99). Fields of scientific research - postbyzantine (15-17 c.) arts, arts of the period of Bulgarian Revival (church architecture, church woodcarved iconostaseis, furniture; church painting - murals and icons), church arts at the Balkans (17-19 c.).
Elena Genova (b. 1953), Assoc. Prof., PhD, member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies), lecturer in NBU. Fields of scientific research - art of the period of Bulgarian Revival (applied arts - esp. church utensils, painting - murals and icons), church paintings at the Balkans (18-19 c.).
Elena Popova (b. 1956), Research Fellow, PhD, member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies),. Fields of scientific research - paintings of the period of Bulgarian Revival (murals and icons), church paintings at the Balkans (18-19 c.); modern Bulgarian fine arts (art criticism).
Nikolai Klisarov (b. 1938), PhD, art historian. Fields of scientific research - church murals of the period of Late Bulgarian Revival (19 c.).
Alexander Kujumdjiev (b. 1969), Research Fellow, PhD. Fields of scientific research - church murals and icons of the period of Late Bulgarian Revival (19 c.).
Krasimira Koeva (b. 1951), Assoc. Prof., PhD, secretary of THE ART STUDIES QUARTERLY, member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies), lecturer in NBU. Fields of scientific research - social life of the arts in Bulgaria in the 1st half of 20 c. (painting), modern Bulgarian fine arts (art criticism).
Violeta Vassilchina (b. 1945), Assoc. Prof., PhD, member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies), lecturer in NBU. Fields of scientific research - Bulgarian applied arts (history and theory), social life of the arts in Bulgaria in the 1st half of 20 c.; modern applied and decorative arts (art criticism).
Milena Georgieva (b. 1957), Research Fellow, PhD. member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism & Art Studies), Fields of scientific research - social life of the arts in Bulgaria in the 1st half of 20 c.; Southslavonic Artistic Union “Lada”; modern art (art criticism).
Rumjana Dontheva (b. 1955), PhD, art historian. Fields of scientific research - connections berween Chesch and Bulgarian painters after 1878 (Jaroslav Veshin).
Irina Genova (b. 1959), Assoc. Prof., PhD, lectures in NBU, Slavonic
University, member of the Union of Bulgarian Artists (section Criticism
& Art Studies), member of AICA. Fields of scientific research - social
life of the arts in Bulgaria in the 1st half of 20 c. (graphic arts); modern
art; nontraditional forms of arts and performances (art criticism, concepts
and projects).
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Group scientific projects:
- Encyclopaedia of Fine Arts in Bulgaria, I-III
- History of Fine Arts in Bulgaria, I-V vol. (part
of the general project of the Institute History of Culture in Bulgarian Lands);
- Thrakies, Skits, Normans. Cultural Typology of
Barbarous Societies (in common with Russian Academy of Sciences);
- Corps of Antique Painting in Bulgarian Lands
(in common with Austrian Academy of Sciences);
- Treasures in Europe from Adriatic to Baltic (II
mill. BC - I mill. AD);
- Corps of the Church Mural Painting in Bulgaria
from 17th c.;
- Corps of the Church Mural Painting in Bulgaria
from 18th c.;
- Social Life of the Art in Bulgaria in the 1st Half
of 20th c. Sources & Comments, etc.
Personal Projects: as result of the individual plans numerous monographs
and studies are published..
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Training course for young scholars preparing Ph.D. thesis.
Fine Arts Department is the leading center of education in the field of
the History of Art and of preparation for doctoral degree in Bulgaria since
the very foundation of the Institute of Art Studies.
Tutorial system - each young scholar has individual plan of his education.
He/she has all the help of the most qualified professionals, with
the highest standards in the field.
He/she has at disposal computers, photographic laboratory, unique
photo-archives (150 000 photos and slides), library rich of literature on
the fine arts particularly (20 000 volumes & art study periodicals)
In the training period the young scholars become members of the section
and take part in all forms of its scientific activities - discussions, lectures,
seminars, research expeditions; they are included in the groups working on
collective research projects. They are encouraged to take part in Bulgarian
and international scientific conferences and to publish their studies, especially
in THE ART STUDIES QUARTERLY - the only Bulgarian periodic specialized in
Fine Art History; in its policy the publishing of studies of young scholars
is a top priority.
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